Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On abuse.

[09 Jan 2007 Tuesday]
Tell Me Lies.

And angels can sometimes speak with tarlungs and whiskey on their breath
with a cadence like a broken soldier who's marched himself to death
God speaks through gin tongues when he's got nowhere else to go,
And there's plenty of things he has to say
But just like us there's a lot he doesn't know
And you can watch your life like a video tape
And laugh right along with him,
And it's like you were both there,
but never really to begin with.

These lyrics were made into a lovely little folk/punk song by Hunger Strike Riot.

[29 Dec 2006 Friday]
Midnight Drug Ballads for the Insomniac in All of Us.

There's drinking and there's driving
Drinking for a sex drive
Driving your brain/your heart
Combined with alarming frequency
The kind I completely deserve
The kind that makes me smile at night
Like the amphetamines I smile for in the morning
And scream for on the inside when they don't exist
And it will go on in euphoria
Like the first time I saw the stars through the ceiling
Melting on my face like wax
Onto the numbest cheeks
And the lights and sound were more than I could handle
And my heart would laugh with the bass line
And it will go on
Til our livers explode and our hearts attack.

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